
summer boho

DIY #6 studded shorts

What you need:

- Shorts (I bought mine at H&M)
You can also cut an old pair of jeans.
- Studs
I bought mine online, on Etsy. Just search for 'studs', you can choose any kind you like!
For this diy I used gold ones.

First, see if all the studs fit on the place where you want them. 
Take the stud and push the prongs through the weave of the fabric in the place where you want your stud to sit. The prongs should poke out of the back side of the material.

The prongs should poke through the material and be poking out the back side. Hold the stud on tight against the material, then bend the prongs inward to secure the stud. The farther the prongs go into the cavity of the stud, the more secure it will hold the stud to the material.
When you applied a few studs it will look like this. 
Then repeat for all your studs.

Finally, it will look like this!
Good luck!




Last week I baked green cupcakes! It's quite simple to make them, just add color pigments to your batter, and there you go. Be careful, you only need very little!